Watch Dogs ps4 Video

Watch Dogs PS4!

Watch the all new watch dog by Ubisoft gameplay walk through for PS4.

Watch Dogs PS4

Watch Dogs PS4

This game is Grand Theft Auto meets Awesome! A real open world game where there are no missions. You’re an Ex-Thug/Hacker with the keys to the city of Chicago so to speak. You control any and everything in the city. You can also gain access to any information on anybody, such as bank accounts, background, Secrets, even the size of their underwear! Not really but you get the point. think about the mayhem you can cause or the good you can do with this kind of power.

You’ll be playing as Aiden Pearce, a grade A hacker with a shady past that cost his family their lives. Now all though there are no missions, his obvious objective in the long run is revenge! Before you think that your character is invincible you should watch out for the surveillance cameras! Watch the Video to Find out why.


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